Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rats! Encore

When I was in the process of buying my condo in 2007, the home inspection guy told me I would have to replace the water heater soon as it was past its normal life cycle. I took soon to mean sometime in the next twenty years or so.

I got a visit from my downstairs neighbor on Sunday night. He told me three water heaters have failed in my complex over the last month. As my condo is on top of his, he wanted to make sure that I knew. He feels strongly that he does not want water flowing from my condo into his should my water heater fail. I feel strongly that I do not want to have to pay for his repairs should my water heater fail.

The iPhone/Kindle/26" Sony Bravia TV fund is now depleted. My new water heater will be installed on Monday.

Why did I think it was a good idea to buy instead of rent?

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