Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Ran Today and Lived to Tell

In an effort to not be a total bummer on this blog, here's an update that's slightly positive.

The only exercise I have been getting is my weekly 1/2 hour ride so I'm determined to do more. Last week I took 15 minutes out of my work day to walk around the block at lunch. It felt good to move around some. Since today is Saturday and I was up at the crack of dawn, I went out for a walk along one of my old routes.

I had no intention of running. Really. Running and me? We don't normally mix. I was striding along at my normal, "I'm exercising" walking pace when a bug decided that it was going to come along with me. It was flying in my hair, bumping into me, and generally being disgusting and annoying. Flapping my arms around like an idiot to shoo it away didn't discourage the bug. It kept with me. My only choice was to pick up the pace and run.

The good news is that I didn't burst a lung. I actually felt like I had the lung capacity to run albeit very slowly and for a very short distance.

The bad news is that my legs didn't agree with my lungs. They felt that the running idea was a very, very bad one. My brain convinced them to keep going for a while because bug infested hair was the alternative.

Bottom line? I ran a bit and lived to tell.

Oh, the bug (or one of its kin) caught up with me when I had to start walking again. I told myself that the arm flapping was the upper body equivalent of the run. So there. I did a bug-assisted total body workout. Who needs a personal trainer.

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