Monday, October 13, 2008

No Blogging from Me for a While

My computer died on Sunday capping what was a seriously lousy weekend consisting of a big flare up, cancelled weekend away, and missing the chance to catch up with my cousins. Plus they are threatening me with the bar bill.

Anyway, this is a stealth blog from work. It will be the last for a while until the computer situation gets resolved.

Think happy computer repair thoughts.


Unknown said...

Good luck!!! Believe me when I say I understand the computer issue thing. Sometimes I have to think it's just easier to not have one.

We missed you this weekend, and man, do you have a bar bill coming your way!!! Though, you'll be happy to know, there were no SMP flare ups this weekend on my end, so no total embarassing moments for me. Thank goodness.... Though I'm sure if there would have been, there'd have been evidence in your inbox within minutes... :)

I do hope your feeling better, though. And good luck with the computer!

Alice B. said...

Like I told your sister, my brother, and the good folks at the bar, unless you all were drinking tap water, good luck with collecting. I have priorities. My computer is #1. Your bar bill? Oh, say, #6,254. (You are on the list. Doesn't that make you feel special?)

Glad to hear SMP was under control. Although... Yeah, that SMP was pretty good fun.

Unknown said...

#6,254???? Oh, that is so wrong...

Yeah, SMP was a good laugh still this time, too. Though, I'm sure that is one that I'll never live down.