Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Network and Live to Tell the Tale

I went to a networking event last night because 1) I need to get out more and 2) I need to get out more.

I dread networking events - can you say one of the circles of hell? - but because I respect the woman who held the event and because I need to get out more, I decided to go. Guess what? It was fun.

The invitiation said that there would be people there I know. I scoffed. I'm so disconnected from the local HR community that I thought there would be no way I'd know anyone. I walked in the door and almost immediately saw an old boss. While I was talking with her, another former colleague came up to me to say hi. I met people who worked for former employers at different times and a woman who works for my current employer now. I stayed over two hours and had a great time.

I'm very tired today because driving across town for an after work event made for an extra long day. It was worth the effort and today's fatigue and pain because guess what? It was fun.

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