Monday, July 14, 2008

Just When You Think

Just when I think I've got a handle on the whole fibromyalgia and balance thing, I get hit with a flare-up: exhaustion, pain, headache, the whole works. I've been sacked out on the couch since this morning and am now just moving around a bit. Grrrr.

OK, so I regroup today and start again. There's no other choice.

Thank goodness for books. I just finished Sleeping with Schubert by Bonnie Marson. The soul of Franz Schubert invades the body of Brooklyn attorney, Liza. Suddenly, she can play the piano brilliantly and compose music. But Liza and Franz have to figure out how to work together. And Liza has to convince others that she's not going nuts. In my opinion, if your body is going to be invaded, Schubert would be better than fibromyalgia. Too bad that's not the way things work.

1 comment:

nm said...

Well I hope you feel better soon because the office is just plain unbearable without our daily ranting about living the dream.....and a glimmer is better than nothing I say.