Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reality TV and Me

I was chatting with N the other day about how weather changes affect my fibro symptoms. Michigan weather is not the best because of the humidity so we started talking about other places that could be good. I was thinking maybe San Diego, but N suggested the OC. Of course, I was all over that. Just think, I said, I could have my own reality show like the one on MTV. I can sing badly and hook up with a loser boyfriend like Heidi and quit an internship at Teen Vogue and be kind of nasty to my girlfriends like Lauren. N says she would definitely watch.

I was thinking about it today before taking my mid-morning nap.

There could be lots of shots of me sleeping and reading which would be super exciting. Other bits could show me with T, the wonder horse. I'd throw in the occasional trip to Target or the mall to change the scene and add depth. Every other day, we could film at the office. Just think how much fun it would be watching me type compensation plans. It could be a winner.

Sadly, MTV might be too hip for me. I'm afraid VH-1 or maybe even the History Channel viewers are more likely my target demographic.

At least, N would watch. Or so she says now.

1 comment:

nm said...

See, you leave out all of the wisecracks and sarcastic sayings that would make a reality show about you a crowdpleaser. Don't sell yourself short...I would surely watch The Daily Life of Allie B!