Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Neighbors. Can't live above 'em, can't shoot 'em

I have a mole on my face. Well, actually I have three moles on my face but one is very noticeable. I've had it forever. I don't like it (it's a mole after all) but while I think about having it removed from time to time, it's never been a priority.

Today, I ran into my neighbor, a man in his eighties, when I was getting my mail. He and his wife live below me. I've talked to them maybe a half a dozen times in the year I've lived in my condo. Today, we were talking about innocuous things - the weather, the building we live in, the condo association meetings when all at once he says "you should see a dermatologist and get that mole removed." I expect him to say something about skin cancer. No. He says "you'd be prettier".

The thing that gets my goat is that I said "thanks".

The thing that really, really gets my goat is that I care what this guy said.

I just read a prayer - Praised are you, Creator of the Universe, who varies the forms of your creatures. I'm going to pray that one for myself and maybe wait a little longer before I make that appointment with the dermotologist.

1 comment:

nm said...

Kids today, they just don't have any manners.....

in other news, I have so much to tell you about Breaking Dawn! Overall, an ok book, but I've got issues...I mean, serious issues....and so do many others...there's well over a 1,000 reviews already on amazon.com and they're very divided...either 1 star or 5 stars....but honestly, I think the 5 stars are coming from the author's family and friends....I'll tell ya more tomorrow!