Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Now that the fun is over

So, as much as I looked forward to the summer Olympics? Multiply that by sevenfold and that's how much I'm dreading the political conventions and upcoming election season. My TV mute button is already getting a workout - candidate ads, talking heads, and news segments on the election are all getting tuned out.

While I was seriously considering not voting, a friend sent me an email on all that the suffragettes endured to get the vote for women. I remembered that it was not all that long ago that I would not have been able to vote. Of course, my feminist heart felt immediate and overwhelming guilt. I do have to vote. I just wish choosing a president was more like choosing a health insurance plan. I want a "benefits at a glance" sheet on issues. A one page matrix of candidates and views with links to supporting documentation (a summary plan description) if needed. I don't want the nastiness of attack ads, attack books, attack debates, attack whatever.

I know the process is how it is because it's been successful. To me, it brings out all that's ugly about being an American. That makes me sad and a little queasy. And because the last eight years have made me even more cynical about both politics and our government, I know my vote won't count anyway.

My vote won't count on Dancing with the Stars either but I'll still watch every episode. It's filled with people who want to get publicity for their careers but, in its own way, the show is about what's good about being human - working hard at something different, learning a new skill, putting oneself in a position to get criticism and, hopefully, learn from it. Plus there's music, dancing, costumes and some potential for snarkiness. Good stuff.

By the way, I'll be checking out the website of the League of Women Voters to get an unbiased fact sheet on the candidates and issues for the upcoming elections.

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