Friday, August 8, 2008

Random Friday

Good thing I'm not into big things fast. The energy injection I got yesterday has not kicked in. My arm aches because I had to hold it still for the IV that's supposed to help with pain. Bottom line? I'm tired and in pain - nothing new there.


The Olympics started today. Yippee! I'm a huge Olympics fan and plan to spend as much time as possible watching both NBC and CBC coverage. What better way to celebrate athletes and sport than to spend hours on the couch watching TV?


I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'll have to postpone next year's big birthday trip to Italy. Darn money. I'm still going to save as much as possible just in case but medical bills are going to be the priority. Sigh.


I was going to say something about John Edwards getting caught lying about his affair but why bother...

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