Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reasonable, Responsible Adult

The hardware on my computer crashed.

On Thursday, while I was waiting for the death knell on the Dell from the computer repair guy, I went shopping and was completely, utterly seduced by the Mac notebooks. So cute. So portable. So much fun. So cool.

I didn't buy one immediately which I thought was very adult of me. But I talked about the Mac at work on Friday. About how much I loved it. About how much I wanted one. About how I could justify buying it because it was so cool and could do so many things to help support my blogging life. And I really, really wanted it. Really. And since I would be spending a lot of money anyway, why shouldn't I get exactly what I wanted?

That was when N said she was reading Confessions of a Shopaholic and that I sounded exactly like the girl in the book.

I was prepared to totally disregard her comment. Because ... well, because.

I talked about the Mac with M, my brother, on Saturday morning. I told myself I wanted his opinion. I knew he loved his Mac and that he would say I would not be sorry if I got it. But then he had to go and add, "if you can afford it".

I was prepared to totally disregard his comment too.

I headed to the Apple store.

Somehow, before I made it there, I found myself turning my car into the Best Buy parking lot. I told myself it wouldn't hurt to look at the other notebooks one more time. I got the specs on one I sort of liked. I went to Borders to have coffee and did some calculations.

It's all very well for Becky Bloomwood, the aforementioned shopaholic, to spend whatever she wants. She's fictional. I'm not. She's twenty-something. I'm definitely not. She (N should stop reading here - spoiler alert) is going to end up with a cute, rich guy. I'm not.

I bought the HP.


nm said...

Good thing I finished the book about 20 minutes ago! Isn't it funny how things end up so nicely for fictional characters....I'm sure you'll be equally as happy with the HP....and the macs will always be there the next time your computer breaks down...see....totally looking on the bright side of things!

Alice B. said...

Yeah, my brother said the same thing - "you'll need another one in a couple of years anyway, you can get the mac then". You optimists keep me going through the tough times!