Sunday, January 11, 2009

Connections, Gratitude, Synchronicity and Irony

Isn't life interesting?

Late in December, I signed up for Jennifer Louden's virtual retreat, Finding Calm, Confidence & Contentment in Uncertain Times because of the remarkable work Jen had been sharing on her blog about dealing with fear. On January 1, I decided that one of my three words for the year would be connected. Who knew that a week later I'd be knee deep in fear and uncertainty and in desperate need of connections?

As soon as I got back to my desk after I got the word about my layoff on Wednesday, I contacted my very good friend and former colleague, P, who commiserated with me and then told me about a potential opening at her company.

The next day, I talked with a former boss, M, who talked me down from the freak-out ledge, reminded me of all the people I worked with at my former company who would be willing to help me out, and offered his own help far above and beyond the simple recommendation I wanted.

I applied for the job at P's company and have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. I know my background fits but I also know she made sure the hiring manager knew about me.

When I chose connected as one of my words in 2009 in what I thought was a fun, throwaway exercise, I never guessed I'd need those connections so soon. I chose it because I was feeling a little detached. Now I feel grateful because I still have amazing people who are in my corner.

I love the synchronicity of life - things showing up just when we need them. The retreat starts on Friday and runs through the following Monday. And no. I won't feel at all guilty about listening live from work. I had intended to take advantage of recordings but now ...

And the irony? Even though I am going to be laid off, my employer now wants me to work full-time until the end. Oh, I'm doing it. But can you believe it?

There's still time to sign up for the virtual retreat at I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Louden. You should be too.

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