Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blocked and Busted

My cousin C busted my chops today because I haven't been blogging. I wouldn't call it a nag-fest exactly but she did mention that I had written that I would be posting at least three times a week. And oh, by the way, did I remember saying that?

Then M, my brother, piled on and said he didn't read my blog very often but last time he looked the post was old.


I forgive them both. M because he passed along a brilliant new collective name for the doom and gloom blogs he does read daily (purveyors of pessimism porn - both alliterative and funny) and C because she fed me (including some of her mom's nut roll for dessert - yum).

The thing is I've been blocked. I don't really know why but I guess between the stress of the lay-off, major car repairs, the new job, the cold/flu bug I caught from the plague carriers at my new job, and the immediate return of pain and fatigue with my new full-time work schedule, I lost any smidgen of creativity that I may have once had.

But today I learned something new. Guilt and harassment from family are a sure cure for writers block. Who knew?

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