Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The View Outside My Window

My favorite thing about my new job (aside from working with my friend P and getting a paycheck - can't forget the paycheck) is the view from the office window.

Every morning the light reflects on the church across the street and I am in awe.

This is the view from the window at my old job. Even without the snow, the warehouses in the industrial park weren't inspiring.

I'd like to say that the view makes up for the doubled commute and full-time work schedule. I'd like to say that but I can't. Still, if I have to work full-time, a little awe in the morning is not a bad thing.


nm said...

I'd call that an upgrade.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree...very cool!

Alice B. said...

The picture doesn't come close to capturing how beautiful it is. I want to take new pictures every morning to try to get the light but my camera isn't good enough and I don't want to look like a dork - plenty of time for my co-workers to figure that out about me.