Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fibro Update

Stupid fibromyalgia.

I'm feeling the effects of added work hours (how do people work full time???) and the damp (Michigan weather - ugh!!!) and non-restorative sleep and the stress of starting a new job and wanting to be super-employee (dummy me!!!).

I had been doing OK pain-wise. In fact, I was surprised that I wasn't in more pain until yesterday when the burning pain started.

Instead of spending the weekend resting on the couch, I did stuff. After two days of riding, running errands, doing laundry and trying to catch up at home, I'm about done in and facing another full week of work. Great.

But here's the thing. I've decided that no matter how bad it gets - within reason - I'm not spending any more weekends on the couch. That's too much life wasted and I feel so much happier when I see something of my bit of the world that's not work related. I'm not sure how long I'll survive like this but that's the plan.


The one good thing about my new commute is that I have more hours to listen to audio books. I just finished a good one - Christopher Moore's Fool - a retelling (mostly) of King Lear with Pocket the Fool as hero. The first lines warn that it's bawdy (it is) but it's also funny and swashbuckling and has some twists. Good stuff.

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