Saturday, March 21, 2009

Technology Lust, Part 2

It's crazy how fast time goes by now that I am working full time.

Here's my day. I drive to work, work, drive from work, eat and sleep. I spend what feels like half an hour taking medications and supplements. For the sake of my general fitness and mental well being, I should add exercise to this mix but that would mean giving up some of the time reserved for eating. Like that could happen.

I figure I have two hours from the time I get home from work to the time I have to be in bed so I can be awake enough to go through the cycle again the next day.

I could exercise in those precious two hours thereby increasing my general fitness and mental well being. I could write more. But when would I find the time to read?

The technology thugs at work limit web access to things they think are appropriate. Apparently, this means you can track your brackets during March Madness but not read blogs. Seriously. Even trying to click on Compensation Force - a blog featured on the HR site Workforce Management - gets me a warning. And while I'm happy to be able to follow sports (Go Blue!), I miss following author blogs, fibro blogs and, yeah, even HR blogs at work. (All blog following would take place in my limited downtime. Like during the 15 minutes I take to eat my sandwich every day. Really.)

So, I'm lusting after an iPhone. Just thinking about music, web, camera, notes, and electronic planner all in one small device that would be accessible at work makes my heart race. Now Amazon has announced an app to connect the iPhone with the Kindle. Oh my. (Side note...the Kindle seems magical...books falling from the sky in less than 60 manna from heaven...must have...)

So there you have it. Technology Lust, Part 2. Part 2 (a) Kindle...books falling from the sky...magic...and Part 2 (b) iPhone.


Don't worry, MacBook. You'll always be number one in my heart on the technology lust list.

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