Monday, January 5, 2009

Thematic Living

Life's been good and interesting this past couple of days. I've been riding T which makes me happy especially since I didn't have any pain while riding. While I was at the barn I talked with some riding buddies - actual face to face conversations. That makes me happy too.

I've also spent some time thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. Instead of setting resolutions that will fail, this year I decided to live around a theme of wellness. Kathy Freston talks about leaning into wellness in her book Quantum Wellness, Jenni Prokopy talks about being as well as possible (AWAP) on her ChronicBabe blog, and Laurie Edwards has a section called Reentry in her wonderful book, Life Disrupted. So that's it for me this year. I will reenter life by leaning into wellness and will do what I can to be as well as possible.

While I was doing my deep thinking, I remembered why I started this blog in the first place. I want to write more. So here's an actual SMART goal - I will post three times a week.


CheyenneKate said...

I have Stocking-gloved syndrom Fibromyalgia. Basically chemical and metal poisoning induced. Long term condition. It has been recommended to me to use Chelation Therapy in order to flush the toxins causing the Fibro. Has this been suggested to you? Seems logical enough and I have talked to others with success but not due to arsenic poisoning like me.

CheyenneKate said...

OK. BRAINFOG!!! I see you are doing the Therapy now. I would so like to understand it more. I am also a horse-rider. I compete in Penning and Feedlot Sorting. Just one night of competition costs me days of my personal little ant farm under the skin. And your description of the fatigue could not be more clear. Is the treatment draining? Some say it is a bit like a mild Chemo. I am so swamped most of the time and desperate to appear NORMAL at work. I no longer feel - I just exist to get through each day.

Alice B. said...

Hi CheyenneKate - I'm so sorry I haven't responded sooner - I just noticed your comments (bad blogger that I've been lately).

I haven't heard of Chelation Therapy but maybe because when I've been tested for toxins, nothing shows up. I've been seeking treatment at the Fibro and Fatigue Centers where I've had IVs for muscle pain and anti-virals plus various meds/supplements for pain and energy level.

I do know how it feels to be faking "normal" to get through life. I just started back to work on a full-time basis and it's been crazy hard. I want to figure out how to make time to ride at least once during the week but basically I've crashed and burned at night and on the weekends since I've started back.

Good luck with your treatment. I hope you feel well soon.