Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Did This Happen?

Last time I wrote it was April and I was complaining. Now it's already mid-June and I'm complaining again. Still.

My Kindle/iPhone/Sony Bravia 26" TV fund has been tapped yet again. This time because of a vet bill. T, the wonder horse, stepped on a huge nail which went in the bottom of his foot, though the wall of the foot, and out the back. And while it's incredibly lucky that there wasn't significant damage - the nail missed anything vital - it would have been much, much luckier if my horse didn't get a 5" spike through his foot. If you know what I mean.

I should explain that I'm not a horrible horse owner who lets her horse run around on ground strewn with nails except that it seems that I am. New drains were being installed at the boarding stable where T lives. Unfortunately, while the work crew was digging for the drains, they dug up some old nails that had been buried on the property long before it became home to T and his fellow equines. No one noticed the nails on the ground until one ended up in T's foot. The chance of this happening was incredibly remote. Except that happen it did.

The next time something this unlikely happens I hope it's that I have just won the lottery.

Work is still not good - thus the desire to win the lottery. However, I have passed the point of wanting to throw up every morning.

Ain't life grand?

1 comment:

Dianna Marshall Sabo said...


I always forget to buy that darn lottery ticket! You can't win if you don't play. Sometimes it seems just a good donation, if, in fact, it really does go to the educational system!
