Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy All the Time

Good news. I have happy things to report.

The first was the full moon in the morning sky. It was huge and bright and absolutely beautiful. Incredible the things that God makes for us.

The second was the headline in the Detroit Free Press - Wild Pigs Menacing Farmers and Joggers across Michigan. While it's bad that feral pigs are ruining crops across the state, destroying natural habitats and all the rest, isn't the visual of pigs chasing down joggers brilliant? I imagine a northern Michigan Running of the Hogs. Pamplona has nothing on us.

The third thing is that I realized that I haven't had sugar cravings for days. My boss brought in chocolate chip cookies to share. I didn't want one. I don't know what's up with that but it's actually pretty cool.

Finally, I have to give a shout out to C who sent me an email with brilliant "stress in the workplace" video clips. My favorite? The guy with printer issues who finally gave up and dragged his monitor to the copy machine so he could get a hard copy of his document.

So there you go. Happy stuff.

By the way, I learned two new things today - how to search Flickr and how to import images into my blog. And I got to play around with Html code too. Life doesn't get any better.

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