Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is up with that?!

So, today I was at Barnes & Noble browsing magazines when I heard a male voice say "they always want to have children and I don't".

Because I'm nosy I looked around to see the guy who was talking. It wasn't some young guy. No. The man had to be at least 60 and not a "Paul Newman when he was 60" either. I'm talking scrawny with weather beaten face, scraggly white beard and stringy white hair dressed in a faded blue work shirt.

I wanted to walk over to the table where he and his friend were sitting and say "how about dating someone your own age? Women past menopause normally don't want children. Think about it."

For Pete's sake, how can someone who looks like that find young women to date? I may never know. He left before I could check to see if he was driving a Bentley.


nm said...

LOL!!! What woman wants to have a kid with a 60yr old? He must be loaded.....cuz if he isn't....well...let's not go there!

Did you buy any good books?

Alice B. said...

Either that or the women found the perfect way to get out of the date quick.

I'm on a bit of a spirituality kick so I got a book on Sabbath. Plus Lisa Tucker's latest "The Cure for Modern Life" (on the remainders pile - yeah) and "The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peal Pie Society". Good? We'll see.