Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Morning Lesson in Civics

I voted this morning and I feel better about the election no matter how it turns out.

While I was waiting in line, I thought about all the women who fought and struggled to get the right to vote for the rest of us. And I thought about the stories I’ve heard where people in places like Africa wait in line for 12 or more hours to vote because they finally have the chance to do so. And I thought about the stories of people in this country and other countries who have died to make sure that elections are free and fair. And I thought about my obligation to those people.

I have to admit, I felt a little teary-eyed when I left the polls (although that could be PMS).

I also have to admit that I'm a little worried about some of my fellow voters. If they can't figure out how to follow a line, can we trust them with choosing the people who will run the country? I guess we have to trust them. And hope for the best.


Unknown said...

I too, was one of those there at 7:00 a.m. to vote... And I understand the worry. I was behind the guy who waited in line to vote for an hour, only to find out he was at the wrong place.

Could be me, but I hope this all works out.

Alice B. said...

Hopefully the new administration will place an emphasis on education. I think everyone could get behind a common sense cirriculum. Wouldn't that make America a better place?