Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why am I doing this? That's right. Money.

It's only been three days of working a full time schedule and already I've had to be assertive. Some of my co-workers may be muttering the B word under their breath but only because they do not understand that my way of doing things is the best and, really, only way. If they would just agree with me, no one would get hurt. There's a long and involved story about using FedEx Office. I won't bore you with the details. I'll just say we used FedEx Office. (There was no way I was going to stand by the copy machine for a full day watching documents print and clearing printer paper jams. No way.)

I did hear amazing and disgusting and hilarious stories of personal grooming at work so today wasn't a total loss.

Tomorrow I tackle the file room. I don't usually file. I complain because the room is a mess but I don't pay attention to what's happening with the files. On Monday, I pulled the personnel files for some terminated employees from the active employee file cabinet. I opened the drawer marked 2008 Terminations to put the files in the terminated employee file cabinet. There were no files in the drawer. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong. But no. No one has pulled the termed employee files since January. This totally boggles my mind. No doubt filing is boring, but it's one of the ugly necessities of working in an office. I can't imagine why the person who is supposed to be doing thinks it's OK to just not do it. Although to be fair to her, she's very successful in getting other people to do her work for her. (See me filing tomorrow for example.)

I hate work. I hate people.

I'm happy about the election results.

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