Monday, January 2, 2012

Five for the Year

I've been reading about accomplishing goals and one of the keys, according to experts, is to get the goal out there.  After all, if everyone knows that you're going to try to do something, you're more likely to do the hard work necessary to get it done.

I set these goals last year and while I made some progress, I didn't complete any of them.  Here I go again, this time for 2012.

#1 - Read the shelf - read at least 52 of the books that I bought in the past but haven't yet read.
#2 - Emergency fund - have cash savings of at least six months worth of expenses
#3 - Hit my goal weight - lose enough weight to get out of the overweight category on the BMI chart
#4 - Write something every day - journal entry, blog post, character sketch, whatever.
#5 - Stay connected - reach out to friends, family regularly

Stay tuned for updates.

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