Sunday, January 22, 2012

Has It Really Been Two Weeks?


I haven't wanted to think about fibromyalgia lately.  My experience with the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Center ended in a strange way.  Business model changes meant my doctor was no longer with the organization and the doctor taking over the patients in the practice was one I had seen years before with no real success.  I felt stranded but since I was in a good place physically, I thought I'd get along with the support I've been getting from my primary care doctor.  I had made significant changes in my diet.  I started exercising.  The medication and supplement regime I was on seemed to be working. The weather was doing it's part to cooperate.  All good.

I fell off the food wagon beginning with Halloween.  I stopped taking my supplements.  Still, I was cruising along when little things started happening - my skin broke out, I noticed more morning stiffness and more IBS symptoms.  Then work stress hit - layoffs, medical leaves and a resignation have left us with half the people we had at the end of the last year.  A fibro flare hit. 

I wonder how much of the flare would have been preventable.  If I had been more diligent with self-care, would I be in less pain now?  Why is it so hard to behave in ways that make me feel better?  Sure, cookies and fast food are great but are they worth pain?

On a happier note, thanks to Crate and Barrel and my habit of saving all of the $5 bills I get during the course of the year, I am now the proud owner of the Kavari 57" media-storage console.  It looks beautiful in my living room.  It's great to get to the stage in life when you can buy and own grown-up furniture!

Read the shelf project update: 

I just finished Only Pack What You Can Carry by Janice Holly Booth.  It wasn't at all what I expected, but an example of how the right book appears or, in this case, gets read, at the perfect time for the reader.  Some travel but mostly thoughts on courage and commitment.

One down, 51 more to go.

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