Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tough Week for Resolutions

It was a tough week for resolutions.  The new year seems like it should be a fresh start but when you (meaning me) are already in a semi-burnout state, it feels like slogging through heavy mud for every small step forward instead of tiptoeing through the tulips in giant leaps and bounds.

I did track my eating all week which made a difference as a big chunk of holiday weight gain fell off.  Hooray.  Next week's Weight Watchers' weigh in should find me back near where I was pre-holiday season.

Not much time for reading so the book a week schedule is already off.  I did read about half of the first book so catch up is possible.

I'm torn on saving this week.  The media center I've wanted for four years is on sale.  I have the cash to pay for it but ... There were big layoffs at work this week and while I knew things were not good, I didn't expect the degree of the cuts.  I'm torn between adding the money directly to my savings account and getting the media center.  Being grown up and responsible is very, very hard.

The layoffs also made me want to hunker down and hide at home.  I emailed a couple of friends and reached out to one of my colleagues who was part of the cut but personal interaction?  Not so much.

This is the first writing I've done all week unless you count the two work memos I wrote.  I'm inclined to count them because I couldn't believe how hard it was to start them.  Shifting this creative block is going to be tricky.

I've been thinking about my resolutions and how narrow they are compared to where I want to be with health, career, finances, relationships, creativity and living a big life.  Small steps are OK, right?

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