Sunday, June 29, 2008

Coffee Update Or How I Found a Justification to Drink More Coffee

Hooray for Nova Science Now.

I had been feeling a little bit like a loser in the me versus coffee games because I couldn't quit my coffee habit. I have cut down on the number of cups I drink at work by quite a bit going from, say, forty cups a day to two or three. But the experiment to go cold turkey was a bust. I felt lousy and brain foggy and pretty much a total mess without my fix. It was a disappointment because there is so much advice about giving up caffeine to become healthier.

I was thinking about gearing up to try to quit again when I caught part of Nova Science Now. Get this. Experiments with mice have shown that they gain distinct memory improvement when given the equivalent of five cups of coffee a day. In the experiment, the mice were unable to remember a maze that they had learned in the past until they were started on the caffeine. After only a short time with the coffee equivalents, they remembered.

Clearly this means that I should drink coffee. After all, why watch science shows unless you take the information they present and use it to support what you want to do anyway?

Me and the mice and coffee. Thanks for the memories.

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