Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Downside of Home Ownership

Work has been a bit of a struggle lately what with projects that aren't going well, annoying co-workers, department management decisions that are, to put it politely, interesting, and, mostly, my own inner voice that's shouting "what the heck are you doing here?"

The short answer is money.

I miss my F fund. (F for "freedom" or "forget this" because this is a family blog.)

Before I put the downpayment on my condo, spent some more cash to pretty it up, and came face to face with the reality of property taxes, I had a chunk of change just hanging around waiting for me to hit the breaking point.

During painful Friday afternoon meetings when poking my brains out with a pen seemed more pleasant than listening to another painful word, I would fantasize about walking out of the conference room, grabbing my stuff from my desk, and walking away forever. On drives into work, I would think about how nice it would be to just keep driving. And I could have done it. It's not that I ever would quit my job without notice and a back-up plan. It was just nice to know that I could.

For purposes of full disclosure, I actually have quit my job with no back-up plan in the past. I did give a two week notice. Then I went to Europe for a month and a half. It was fun. I highly recommend it. Of course, this was before T, the wonder horse, and while I was still living at my dad's house. Ah, youth. And no fixed expenses. Those were the days.

Today, I've got a mortgage and a horse and a salary that's about half of what it was when I was working full time. I'm so glad I didn't buy that purse while I was at the mall at lunch yesterday. Here's to the rebirth of the F fund ... one non-purchase at a time.


nm said...

Well if it makes you feel any better, I myself have those same thoughts daily. Those thoughts are then followed by various get rich schemes...I'll let you know once I actually come up with one that could work.

In any event, know that you're not alone in feeling like you just want to leave it all behind. We just gotta make sure we've got something to move forward to. Until then.....

Alice B. said...

Until then, we've still got to pay those bills. Sigh.