Monday, June 23, 2008

Just So I Don't Get Confused (Psychologically Speaking)

While I was surfing the web, I found this on MSN. Someone sent a question to the lifestyle section asking why models have such smooth skin. The writer asked, do they shave?

Ying Chu, Marie Claire's beauty director, responded by saying "Face shaving is such a masculine act that it can be psychologically confusing to do it as a woman. If you feel like you have excess hair on your face, try waxing, plucking, using depilatories or laser hair removal."

OK, maybe it's just me, but is she kidding? Why is it feminine to rip hair from the root or burn it off with harsh chemicals or laser beams?

I think I prefer the lie from the old days when beauty magazines said if you shaved the hair would grow back thicker and darker.

Excuse me while I go pluck some hair. It may hurt but my psyche will remain unharmed.

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