Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Day Job

My day job has been filled with job evaluations for the past week or so. As a result, I don't seem to be able to write at all. Job evaluation is all data and structure - figuring out how jobs fit into the framework of our company so people can be paid appropriately. When I get into it, I can feel creativity being pushed to the back of my brain. There's simply not enough room for it when everything is about hierarchy.

Or so I tell myself. Could this be an elaborate excuse? Yup, probably.

Plus, after this many years of it, job evaluation is mind numbing. Really. There are only so many times that a person should be forced to look at survey results. A numb mind is not a creative mind. (Yes, another elaborate excuse.)

Whatever the reason, in order to get myself back on the blogging track, I'm trying to fill the creative well. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...


I totally relate, as can be verified by noticing I'm behind on my blog!
I remember an exercise from a writing workshop that helps me, that is when I bother to use it. You take three random words such as: river, clock and yellow. Then you just start writing with whatever comes to mind using those words. It does get the juices flowing again...let me know if you try it.

Hope the numbness wears off soon!
:) Sue (alias, hopeful)

Alice B. said...

Hey Sue, thanks for the tip. Once I get started, I'm ok. It's that first hurdle, you know?