Sunday, June 1, 2008

June is fitness month

My New Year's resolution was to pick up one healthy habit each month this year. Here's the list so far.

January - drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Easy and so successful that I tried ...

February - take the stairs at work - 5 flights. (The first three flights up were not too bad but by the 4th my quads and lungs were seizing up. I'd reach the door at the 5th floor gasping for breath with my legs crying "what have we ever done to you?!")

March - nothing. (I was still recovering from stair experiment. If I had any kind of mental/physical toughness, I'd gut it out and stick with the stairs but the elevator is really much easier. Although to be fair to myself, I'm still taking the stairs down. Yay gravity!).

April - take a multivitamin daily (because no stairs are involved).

May - eat better/healthier foods and lose some weight. (You'll notice that the failed no-coffee experiment was not part of this challenge. There was truly no hope of long term success with that - even less hope than for the stairs which I thought - ha! - could get easier over time.)

June - exercise a minimum of five days a week.

It's hard to believe it now when taking the stairs is an exercise in torture, but I used to be in good shape. I was strong, aerobically fit and my body fat was something crazy like 19%. I'll never be that fit again. It was a lot of work and I'm so not up for that but I'd like to some of that fitness back again. I've tried in the past, pushed too hard, too fast and ended up with a fibro flare-up. This time I'm going to try the slow and consistent approach. Hopefully, by next February, I'll be able to take the stairs at work without needing a shower and life support by the time I reach the top.

Coffee update - Yup, I'm drinking coffee again but I've been able to limit myself to 2 cups a day. It feels pretty good. So, I'm either a poster child for moderation (my preferred view of the situation) or a total slacker.

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