Saturday, May 31, 2008

I learn something new

I was all set to write a post about the email a coworker forwarded to me this week. The email contained a link promising new thinking in change management. So I clicked on the link. Some consultant had created a PowerPoint presentation (yeah, that's new) with quotes about leading change from such current thinkers as Linus Pauling (dead 14 years), Peter Drucker (first published 1939 and dead 3 years), and anonymous (around forever).

I have nothing against those guys (great thinkers who I admire) and I like change at work as much as the next person (as my 9 companies in 22 years clearly shows), but enough with the cheesy PowerPoints. Quotes on slides with cute cartoon figures don't drive new thinking on change. Shame on the consultant who created it. (This is where I pause, jealous because the guy is probably raking in the clients and big consulting bucks right now...grrrrrrrrr!)

Anyway, I'm not going to write about that. I'm going to write about how I learned something new about Blogger comments and life.

I was pretty excited because I had a comment on a post this morning and, well, I live for comments (hint). I read the comment. It was from miumiu who politely asked me to post a link to his/her blog. Like that's going to happen without me first seeing it. I checked it out. It was a Japanese site with what looked like knock off purses for sale (the miumiu name sort of tipped me off). I didn't want to leave the comment attached to my post because no one I know who reads this would be all that interested in knock off bags except maybe N who doesn't read Japanese (I don't think).

So I looked all over the editing section of Blogger clicking madly to try to find a delete button. Nothing said "delete comment" in big bold letters so I went to Help. I found out how to moderate comments before they are posted. That didn't help me delete one that already exists. I read the link that gave me the Html coding for editing comments. That really didn't help. I looked around some more in Help and found nothing. I gave up and added my own comment saying, "uh, miumiu, no can do".

Then I spotted the little wastebasket icon next to miumiu's comment. I clicked on it. It deleted the comment. Then I had to delete my response since it no longer made sense. I clicked on the little wastebasket icon next to my comment. Done.

Lesson learned. When you want to get rid of something, look for a wastebasket.


nm said...

Nope...knowledge of the Japanese language is not one of my many talents....although I was saying some pretty outlandish things Friday night after that horrible loss by the team formerly known as the Pistons, that those sitting nearby might possibly have mistaken it for Japanese...

Alice B. said...

Nah, that was probably good ole "pardon my French" you were speaking. Now we have to hear about Celtics/Lakers. Ugh. Don't know which is worse. On the bright side, if you want a knock off Louis Vitton, I can hook you up.

Alice B. said...

D'uh, that's a knock off Louis Vuitton, BTW. (Erg, spelling. Horrible. Just like the Boston/LA NBA final.)