Monday, May 26, 2008

Crying Uncle

I give up.

Here's the thing. I gave it a try - over a week without coffee. This afternoon I cracked and drank some.

I drank it because I could not stand one more minute feeling how I felt. My brain has been stuffed with cotton gauze. I'm so tired I could fall asleep standing up. The first couple days weren't bad. I expected to feel awful but it's been over a week and every day was getting worse. I should be feeling way better, darn it.

If there were any positive signs like better sleep I would have hung tough. But no, that wasn't happening. So I give up.

At least for today.

Because, honestly, now that I've had two cups, I'm kind of wishing I had stopped at one. Argh.


Brassie's Mom said...

Hey Allie B,
Thought I also was going to have to try the "no coffee" route....was in New Orleans this weekend and not sure if it was the heat, then air conditioning, stress or whatever, but my stomach and I weren't on friendly terms.....couldn't even look at the coffee at Cafe du Monde on Sunday. I almost had to kill the lady at the airport this morning at 4:00 am when she told me she'd open in around an hour or so....Hang in there and feel better!
Brassie's mom

Alice B. said...

Oh no! How did you have the little donuts starting with a B (can't remember the name because my brain is still mush) in New Orleans if you didn't have coffee to go with? So sad. BTW, I totally get wanting to kill the person who wouldn't serve you coffee - not being open is no excuse!