Friday, May 23, 2008

What was I thinking?

I thought I was doing ok with the no coffee thing. Boy, was I wrong. It's been one week - enough brain cells survive for me to remember that. The first couple of days weren't horrible . Yesterday was.

I had to leave home because the coffee cravings were getting to me. I went to the mall. Since I don't usually get coffee while I'm there, I figured it would be a safe place to walk around, get some easy exercise as I'm not up to riding, and stay away from the demon coffee. Two purses and five books later, the truth is that it would have been easier (and cheaper) to drink the darn coffee.

One of the purses is a smaller cross body bag which my office pal, N, assures me is in style. (Of course. I am soooooo on trend.)

Last week I couldn't figure out why my arm was going numb. I went to the chiropractor to get an adjustment. I felt better until I slung my bag onto my shoulder. It must have weighed 25 pounds. I tried pulling non-essentials out of the purse. It then weighed 24.5 pounds. I tried the other bags in my closet. They were either too small or big enough that everything fit and I was back to weight lifting with my tender shoulder. I had to buy this new purse, which fits just enough, for my health and well being.

I bought the other one because it was cute..

Besides, as N says, with purses, you never have to worry about size.


nm said...

OMG!!!! I'm featured in one of your blogs....I feel so honored! I myself will probably indulge in the purchase of a handbag this weekend...I should probably take your lead with the whole no coffee thing, but for me, it's more a mental thing...going to work isn't as bad if I can go to Starbucks first!

Alice B. said...

Don't give up the 'Bucks! I have to live vicariously through coffee drinkers. Hmmmm... Just the smell of it reminds me of better days... BTW, I am always happy to feature on of my readers :)