Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Post

I'm way behind the times when it comes to cool technology enabled stuff but here I am blogging. I'm later to the game than most everyone but still ... yay! This is progress for me, the Luddite wanna be.

I've been messing around for the past couple of years saying that I'll write and that I'll take care of my health but neither has been happening. When I woke up this morning exhausted again, I thought enough! The fibromyalgia is not going away. If I want to have something to show for this life other than pain and fatigue, I'm going to have to do something about it. Why start with a blog? Honestly? It's a place to start.

The thing about me and fibromyalgia is that as time has gone by my life seems more and more limited. Now it seems like I've got nothing except work and the occasional outing that leaves me pretty much done in. That's no way to live.

I'm starting out here committed to posting every day for a week. I'm going to use this forum to stay accountable to myself for improving my health and getting some writing done. And having more fun.

So there.

1 comment:

Princess said...

Alice B-
Great blog! I share your pain with "brains on the floor" issues. Coffee is the only bad girl stuff we have left! No time in life for DUI's or failed drug tests, no guys at the moment, so, guess the coffee thing is really hard to break. For me, coffee and chocolate are what I live for lately. Oh, and the occasional date with the cowboys here in the south! LOL! Keep up the wonderful blog, and if you ever decide to take that trip. I'll help with the horse!