Friday, May 30, 2008

In the News

I find the controversy about former White House press secretary Scott McClellan's book very interesting. None of the backlash I've seen has been about the veracity of what he's said in the book but, rather, if it's appropriate for him to have said it. (Press secretaries apparently have some unwritten priest and the confessional type of code of honor.)

Whether he's in the right or not, it seems to me that he's being a bit disingenuous. He claims he did not see the "lack of candor and honesty" in the president and senior administration officials while he was acting as the spokesperson for the "political propaganda campaign" that led the nation into an "unnecessary war". Come on, how can that be? It's not like Bush critics weren't saying the same thing all along.

Maybe I'm being unfair to him. After all, he's a citizen of the same country where 11% of all eligible voters believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. This even though just a few short weeks ago you couldn't turn on the news without hearing about the uproar Obama's Christian pastor caused with racist remarks from the pulpit. Instead, people believe chain emails like the one I read which said that since the names Obama and Osama (bin Laden) have many of the same letters, the two men must have the same belief system. Since we live in a county filled with idiots, how can we expect any clearer thinking from Mr. McClellan?

I don't plan to buy Scott McClellan's book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception. Why contribute to the madness?


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