Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good thing we brought another javelin

The bad thing about fibromyalgia is that I'm never sure when I'll have a bad day. I have to make a lot of accomodations because a flare-up can hit with no warning. Today was one of those bad days. I didn't have to work - my reduced work schedule is one of my accomodations - but I couldn't do much and riding was out. I was moping around and checking out the internet when I found a story about a photographer who got speared in the leg by a javelin.

Ryan McGeener of Provo Utah's Standard-Examiner was shooting photos at a high school track meet when he wandered into the area where the javelins where landing. Not smart. A javelin hit him in the leg, luckily missing anything vital. The ends were cut off by first aid people at the event and the rest removed at a local hospital. McGeener got thirteen stitches.

I have to tell you, that story cheered me up enormously. I might have fibromyalgia but at least I don't have a javelin in my leg. That's got to hurt.

As much as I admire the photographer for getting photos of his own pierced leg, my favorite part of the story is that the kid who threw the javelin, Anthony Miles, went on to win the event and the state championship. His coach was quoted as saying, "good thing we brought another javelin".

That, my friends, is fortitude in action.

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