Monday, November 3, 2008


I don't want to vote in tomorrow's election. In fact, I really, really don't want to vote. I can't give you a good reason why I feel this way. Or maybe it's because I can give you lots of reasons why I feel this way that I don't want to vote. Believe me though, I don't want to vote.

But you know what? There are candidates I want to see elected and proposals I want to see passed. I don't want to feel like I'm the one to blame if things don't happen the way I want. So I'm voting. I hope you will too. (Although maybe not so much if you happen to disagree with me. Sorry. I just want my vote to count for a lot.)


nm said...

I myself have always been of the opinion that in reality, there are other powers at work that really decide these types of things. And, there is a part of me that thinks that still....but, if there is a miniscule chance that our votes really are the deciding factor, then I'll vote....just in case ;-)

Alice B. said...

I hear ya. No matter what happens, I'll know that I did my bit. That's all anyone can do.