Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tell Me Again Why I Have To Work

I hit my one month anniversary at my new job yesterday and, as of today, I'm offically over it.

I'm counting the months (only 11 to go) until I can quit without having to pay back my sign-on bonus. Yup, I'm a physical mess but that's the least of it. I'm used to being rewarded for trying to change processes, having open discussions with managers, and working as a team. Today I was told "I don't know why we do it this way but that's the way it's done and we shouldn't try to change", and "we don't have conversations like that in front of managers" and, when I asked for help, "I'll send you an article". My day ended with one of the HR business partners who has been with the company over a year and a half asking me, the person with a month's experience, to explain why people hired in March 2008 won't be getting a pay increase this year. (The company lost over $100 million last year - nobody is getting a pay increase this year.)

That's right. All this and eleven hours at the office. Plus a two hour commute.

One of my new co-workers said something the other day about becoming a Stepford employee. Maybe he's got the right idea. I wonder if I can find a clinic that performs weekend lobotomies.


By the way, I'm totally grateful that I found a job in this economy. Really.


detroitbeancounter said...

I'd rather be a Stanford employee. 8 billion $ and knighted by several small Caribbean countries with topless beaches.

Alice B. said...

Yeah, that'd be all good until you end up in jail in said small Caribbean country for what your cheating, scamming boss did.

There's always, always a downside to work. Always.